Master Dog Breeders and Associates (MDBA)


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About Us

We are an international pure-breed pedigree dog registry that provides a wide range of services to purebred breeders and companion dog owners. 

Our mission is to focus on what is best for dogs. We do this by ensuring the integrity of our purebred stud registry and monitoring our members’ compliance with our Rules, Codes, and Policies.

What makes us different?

The MDBA places a higher emphasis on the dog’s owner-handler-breeder.

We believe that getting the right people involved will lead to producing only the best dogs with their health and welfare at the core of any decisions.

This helps ensure that appropriate protocols and procedures are followed to ensure the best welfare of their dogs and the puppies they breed.

Our members, who are located in all Australian states and 49 countries, agree to focus on what is best for dogs by breeding pedigreed purebred dogs for health, temperament, type and function.

We help our members excel by empowering them in making a positive difference to their knowledge base and practices. We show how a standard of excellence in dog breeding, dog ownership and canine care is achievable when a focus is placed on what’s best for dogs.

MDBA breeders are encouraged to breed to produce dogs that are good representatives of their breed, without moving toward the selection of extremes and without compromising health, temperament, and a dog’s quality of life.

Our services to members include breeding-related information (responsible breeding, the care and welfare of dogs and breeding animals and their offspring, registries, and advocacy).

To gain acceptance as a member, an applicant must pass scrutiny on their philosophies and goals before they become members, and they operate under a strict system that monitors their practices.

The educational program is an in-depth framework tailored exclusively for dog breeders and pet dog owners. It also offers preliminary short courses for those interested in a career in or already employed in pet care. The coursework was developed with input from the most knowledgeable professionals in the pet care industry.

Our members agree to comply with state and local legislation and MDBA Codes, Policies and Rules, including the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals Act and the Domestic Animals Acts.

We have several methods in place to ensure our systems, which provide third-party accountability and policing of our codes, are enforced. We have a compliance department, and all breaches of our Codes, Policies and Rules are dealt with via this department and our disciplinary policy and procedures.